February 12, 2019

The Power of Touch lodges: Yoga Adjustments


The power of touch lodges in our bodies and brainpower right since our birth. And when it comes to yoga classes, there are a lot of touches and physical yoga adjustments that support the student in releasing some unwanted strain in the yoga pose.

Provisional to your yoga tutor, these physical yoga adjustments may be anything from a slight touch to a grave rubbing. It may perhaps be your yoga tutor’s way of conveying compassion and positive energy to you after your yoga session. Or else, that might be a way to provide you a slight lift to attain complete moderation.

In all conscience, this touch can arise from useful purposes and can be a positive force in yoga instruction. But the hard reality is that some yoga teachers may or may not use touch and yoga adjustments as manipulation rising from self-regarding intention.

Now take a moment and answer this question!

Does indecorous touch during yoga adjustments leave you with torn sentiments and scars on your emotions?


Well, that’s understandable.

Indeed, these emotional scars and blemishes can be eviler than any direct physical outcomes.

These memory marks may bring tremors and unease in your life. Terror and panic may course through your soul while a teacher stands too close to you.

Thanks to the well-broadcasted confessions about yogis physically troubling their students, the question of yoga adjustments and touches during class is in everybody’s thoughts.

So now, to empower people and allow them to make their individual choices, B.C. yoga professionals are creating a system to signal consent to physical yoga adjustments.

What’s this system all about?

yoga adjustments

A group of yoga experts in Victoria is initiating a system that is undoubtedly going to turn into a point of reference. The ladies have made consent cards that allow the wishes of the yoga practitioner to be recognized. You can place these consent cards modestly at the front side of a mat during the yoga class. These consent cards have two sides:

One side of the card states, “Yes please; I welcome yoga adjustments” together with a graphic of a yoga stick-figure individual. It characterizes on behalf of an open-armed posture evolving from a blue lotus.

The flip side of the card warns, “No yoga adjustments; I can take care of myself.” It symbolizes the stick-figure embracing them upon an orange lotus.

So now, you have a reason to be happy and practice yoga with a smile on your face!!

The all-new system by B.C. yoga professionals doesn’t let yoga adjustments be the hurdle on your way!

So now, we hope that this approach turns out to be a standardized line of attack for students to converse their preferences on the subject of physical yoga adjustments.  We hope that those hands on yoga adjustments will not get you out of your yoga practice to any further extent.

Now, you can have faith that you have something to look up to, right? So, relax and take a deep breath! Let no one stop you from continuing your voyage with yoga. Now that you may get those touchy yoga adjustments out of your way get all set to flow with the drift. See you on the mat!

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