March 2, 2018

Do you want to become a yoga Instructor?

Yoga Teacher

After many years of receiving classes in a gymnasium or a yoga center, perhaps you have considered making the leap from student to teacher, as happened to me . Although I must confess that mine was seen and not seen: at age 22 I signed up for a gym, I entered an aerobics class and after a few months I was getting the title of teacher. After almost 20 years teaching all kinds of disciplines (step, body combat, body pump …) and with the body already quite crushed, I did the Body Balance training course , which made me discover yoga and form a couple of years later .

Becoming a yoga teacher has been one of the best decisions I have made in my life. Not only did it help me to recycle professionally when I no longer had the body or desire to keep bouncing , but to heal and rejuvenate my body, find a soft but very effective way to train, and a way to maintain a good mental balance.

Throughout the years that I have been teaching yoga as a teacher, some of my students decided to take the leap too. In fact, some of them began their practices replacing me when I had to miss. That’s why today I want to encourage you from this post to become yoga teachers if you are curious . In these times, it never hurts to have a “second profession”, as is my case. Not only to earn extra money, but to do something that really thrills you, to help you disconnect from your day to day and, also, why not, to help others to take care of their body and mind. When I finish a class and my students tell me they liked it, they feel much better since they do yoga, they can not “live without their classes”, I feel tremendously proud and happy.

But how to start? Luckily, you currently have a very professional and extensive training offer. And, the best, in many different styles. I started training in Hatha Yoga, the classical style, and then I evolved towards “Flow Yoga”, as I like to call it, and that is nothing more than yoga in movement, more dynamic and athletic. If you are not clear about the style in which you want to train (Kundalini, Asthanga, Bikram, Integral, Anusara, Iyengar …), starting with Hatha can be a good idea because it is at the base of everyone else.

To help you get started, next to or I give the addresses of some of the best training schools , mine included.

Yoga One. Surely you have read something about this DiR club, in Barcelona, ​​in one of my posts. In addition to being a center with an incredible offer of yoga classes and excellent teachers, they have also launched their own courses. Yoga One courses are endorsed by Yoga Alliance, the most prestigious association of yoga teachers in the world . Their formations, very complete, are taught by national and international teachers and professors of wide experience and prestige and at very affordable prices. Yoga One’s most successful courses are the 200-hour course and the Yoga Styles Course. Among the professors who teach the courses include Dove Vargas, Gustavo Ponce, Eva Oller, Jai Sugrim, Yiannis Andritsos, Karina Sirkia, and Jordi Canela.

Yoga Center. In Madrid, it is the center where I was trained. The formations last a school year but there are also intensive ones. They make a weekend a month, in different styles, and they are very complete. Among the subjects that include are: Didactics, Anatomy, History of Hinduism, Meditation and much, much practice and very thorough. I always remember the detailed dissections we made of each of the positions in the Hatha series until we learned it perfectly. I also remember that they made us teach our classmates from the beginning, which will help you a lot if you have never done it. Yoga Training Yoga Center is carried out with the guarantee of AIPYS (International Association of Yoga Teachers Sananda). My opinion? Working and teaching at the same time, doing the training was a great effort (also economic) but I could not enjoy it more. Undoubtedly, it is also one of the training courses that I have amortized the fastest.

yoga Instructor

yoga Instructor

Students at Yoga Teacher Training

City Yoga. It is another great Yoga Teacher training center in the capital. They have courses of different styles among which I would highlight the Yoga for Pregnant, taught by the great Montse Cob , which you have seen in a television program helping as a doula to first-time moms. They also have children’s yoga courses, something hard to find and great as a specialization. Their training is also serious and complete, and they provide you with official accreditation.

Urban Yoga It has just opened in Madrid and is preceded by the success of its other center in Barcelona and the Free Yoga movement , whose founders are also its promoters. I interviewed one of its creators, Mercedes de la Rosa, not long ago, for an article in Women’s Health magazine(“Spirituality your way”), and I was touched by the passion with which she lives yoga and her enthusiasm to bring it closer to the people . Mercedes worked as a journalist when she started practicing yoga to control stress . And currently has its own center! In Zentro Urban Yoga, you will find training courses from the classic Hatha Yoga to other interesting and special ones like “Yoga for women survivors of cancer”(to be able to work with them in all stages of their illness). And it is that a practice of soft yoga can be an invaluable help for cancer patients, both to alleviate the pains and raise the mood, as to recover self-esteem …

Sadhana Yoga School. This style of yoga integrates tai chi and meditation into this discipline and has a beautiful story that you can read on the center’s website. The training, very complete, includes many subjects: Psycho-Anatomy, Pedagogy, Meditation, Postural Anatomy, Yoga Practices … Finishing it, you will be federated teachers. The best thing is that they have training centers in Madrid, San Sebastian, Valencia, Seville, and Italy

Know More About :- 90 Days Review : Being a Yoga Teacher

One Comment

  1. June 9, 2020 at 1:13 am


    Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.

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