April 6, 2023

5 Important Lifestyle Changes After a Yoga Teacher Training

5 Important Lifestyle Changes After a Yoga Teacher Training

When you are in your Yoga Teacher Training in Bali, you are fully committed to the experience. Your studies, your practice, and the community you build within your training provide a space for growth and personal development. But what happens when you have completed your 200-hour yoga teacher training course? How do you maintain a yogic lifestyle after you have received your teaching certification? This article will explore the 5 most important lifestyle changes to follow when you have completed your 200-hour yoga teacher training.

Continue Your Personal Yoga Practice

An important lifestyle change to follow is to continue your personal yoga practice. During your 200-hour teacher training course, you have practiced a lot, even daily. Maintain this continuity. It will enhance your personal growth and development as a person, and also as a yoga teacher. Your personal practice will inspire you as a budding teacher and will offer insight into building intentions for your yoga teaching practice.

Practice Teaching

During your yoga teacher training in Bali, you will have learned about yoga postures and how to sequence yoga classes. Keep building upon your new knowledge by continuing to practice teaching. If you have not yet landed a yoga teaching job, practice with friends, family, and colleagues. Offer free lessons so you can strengthen your yoga teaching skills.

The more you practice, the better you will become. You will discover your own yoga voice: the gifts and lessons you want to share as a registered yoga teacher. You will develop a yoga niche: the particular style of yoga you want to teach and the particular audience you’d like to target.

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Integrate Yoga Lessons Into Your Lifestyle

yoga studentsIn addition to maintaining a consistent personal practice, be sure to take to heart the other yoga lessons you acquired during your training. Recall the lessons of the Yamas and Niyamas, the first two important limbs of yoga. These are your ethical guidelines. They explain a pathway to how to live as a yogi on and off the yoga mat.

For example, the first Yama, Ahimsa, is an important principle on how you should treat yourself and others. Ahimsa means “non-violence.” It means to cause no harm to self or others. It is a reminder to treat everyone, including yourself, with love and kindness. Be sure to review and live by the other ethical standards like Satya (“truthfulness”) and Asteya (“non-stealing”).

Another important integrative yoga lesson is your commitment to your yoga diet. If you have established a vegetarian, sattvic, or vegan diet during your yoga teacher training course in Bali, continue these practices. This lifestyle change will increase your body’s receptivity to the teachings and philosophy of yoga. Further, these Ayurvedic lessons help you maintain a sensitivity to the discipline of yogic living.

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Think Like a Business Person

If you intend to work as a yoga teacher in the field, it is imperative to think like a business person. Take the necessary steps after your training to set yourself up as a successful yoga instructor. Here are a few things to do soon after the completion of your training:

  •             Register with Yoga Alliance School, India
  •             Purchase Liability Insurance
  •             Get CPR Training
  •             Apply for an LLC (Limited Liability Company)
  •             Update Your Yoga Resume
  •             Track Your Teaching Hours

These are all important lifestyle changes to follow when you step into the world of yoga instruction. As a registered Yoga Alliance School instructor, you want to be prepared and professional as a yoga teacher.

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Begin Looking For a Yoga Job

If you are following the first four lifestyle changes, you are now ready to apply for a yoga job. No matter where you’d like to teach, in a yoga studio, a gym, in schools, or even on a cruise ship, you will be fully prepared to advance as a well-rounded yoga teacher.

You will have been practicing and teaching yoga, living according to the ethical principles of yoga, and will have secured your business-related documents. When you apply for your first yoga teaching position, you will be well prepared.

Depending on where you’d like to teach, be ready to possibly submit a written application along with your credentials and resume. You may be interviewed in person by a studio manager or project director. They may also ask you to audition by teaching a class segment or submitting a video of you teaching.

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Because you took the time to commit yourself to a yoga lifestyle after your 200-hour yoga teacher training course in Bali, your advancement in life as a yoga teacher and in other aspects of your life will be rich, successful, and enlightening.

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